Arriving at the Trinity Series Posted by Nancy Tacza | Jun 25, 2021 | Biblical Studies and Ministry, Media, Scriptures | 0 | Pastor Randy Davis begins this series with an introduction to the Trinity. He discusses the big questions we have as human beings and the pursuit of finding the truth about God. Pastor Randy Davis continues his introduction to the Trinity by describing the three ways one can gain knowledge of God: rationalism, observation/empiricism, and revelation. Pastor Randy Davis begins in Genesis 1 describing what God’s nature is like. Pastor Randy Davis goes through Exodus 3 and describes more of what God is like. Pastor Randy Davis goes through Exodus 20 speaking about how God’s nature is revealed through the 10 commandments. Pastor Randy Davis goes through 2 Samuel 7 and begins to talk about the Son. Pastor Randy Davis expands on the Messiah and what God is like in the Old Testament. Pastor Randy Davis shows the nature of the Trinity in the Old Testament. Pastor Randy Davis discusses the relationship between YHWH and the Messiah. Pastor Randy Davis explains Jesus as the Word of God and who the Helper is in the book of John. Pastor Randy Davis continues to explain the relationship between the Father and the Son. Pastor Randy Davis talks about Paul’s thinking concerning the trinity. Pastor Randy Davis ends this series with summarizing his lectures and adding a few more notes.